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Why Female Athletes

Female athletes are more likely to develop on eating disorder than the average person and the effects of it can be extremely harmful...

Female Athlete Triad

The Female Athlete Triad is what female athletes develop from disordered eating. It is extremely unhealthy and is detrimental to an athletes performance...


There are many different types of treatment for girls who struggle with an eating disorder. These treatments depend on the eating disorder and the patient...

"National surveys estimate that 20 million women and 10 million men in America will have an eating disorder at some point in their lives." -NEDA

Why Eating Disorders?

Why I Chose This Topic:

I chose to do my Academic Research Project on how eating disorders affect the mental and physical aspects of a female high school athlete.  I wanted to explore how eating disorders affect female athletes. 

Raising Awareness:

There is not enough eating disorder awareness throughout the community today. I want to change this by bringing awareness to the ongoing problem of eating disorders among high school girl athletes.

How This Website Will Help:

This website will help educate and bring awareness to eating disorders among high school girl athletes, so that coaches, parents, teachers, and athletes can be aware of the signs and risks.

How to Navigate the Website & More on My ARP Project
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